RedPlanetCartoons hit it again with Bailout Fatigue. Where does it end. How long before we have companies intentionally tanking just so the government will bail them out? Is it already happening.
It brought to mind to a few thoughts:
The Mouse the Roared. Begin an enterprise just to lose and take advantage of the American people.
The perversity of the Law of Unintended Consequences. Check out Laura Rowley’s suggestion for creating positive unintended consequences. Reward good behavior – wow – what a concept…
Somehow it will all translate to the the government needing a bigger chunk of our paychecks.
Shouldn’t we be finding ways to encourage the growth of private enterprise? After all, businesses create jobs and more revenues. Wonder how the FairTax could help us out of this economic handbasket we find ourselves in? (referring to an old Far Side cartoon: “Where am I going? And what am I doing in this handbasket?”)