One of my pet peeves when listening to politicians comes when they say the “Federal Government can pay for…” whatever it is they’re trying to sell. They speak of the “Federal Government” as if it is a rich, old philanthropist just waiting to shell out his/her money on their program-of-the-day. Why don’t they say “Warren Buffett can pay for…” …oh, I don’t know… your new Corvette? Because Warren Buffett would politely invite them to mind their own business. What they’re really saying, when the volunteer the “Federal Government,” is that Y-O-U can pay for… <insert>. Every time anyone says the “Federal Government” they really mean you and me. I’d like to see a debate where politicians were forced to say “You” anywhere they would normally say “Federal Government.” For example, “You can pay for extra healthcare for small businesses.” “You can pay for universal healthcare.” “You can pay for an increase in the minimum wage.” “You can pay for….”
Just take a moment the next time you hear a politician promising that the “Federal Government can pay (or implement or manage or control) anything” and think about what they’re really saying. It’s like someone walking up to you and saying your ten-year-old can pay for their lunch. It doesn’t sound like it affects you directly but then where does your ten-year-old get her allowance? Be leery of anyone who promises your money to someone else.