Thought from Seth Godin this morning…
We accidentally curate who comes to the meeting, who has a seat at the table where decisions are made. We almost randomly decide who is interviewing and being interviewed, who is brainstorming, who is reviewing the work…
What if we did it with intention? What if we thought deeply about who sits across from us during the key conversations?
Convenient should not be the dominant driver of this choice. Nor should existing protocol.
“Who’s not here?” might be the most important unasked question.
Too many of our meetings are happenstance. We need to take control and cultivate the outcome we want. As a leader, Post Commander, District Commander, or other, don’t wait till you are in the meeting to see what happens. Leadership means orchestrating the discussion and making sure the right people are there whether it’s a one-on-one pre-meeting, a meeting with a donor/supporter, or a membership meeting. You have to coordinate what happens when your organization meets. And don’t be afraid of doing something new, just remember that you have to LEAD the way.